Rotary Unions

Rotoflux Rotary Unions

Available up to the dimension of 6", and rotation speed 30.000 rpm (for machine tools), the Rotoflux rotary unions are suitable for a wide range of fluids as: Water (clean and dirty), Air, Hydraulic Oil, Coolant, and for Vacuum and Dry rotation.

The entire production is Made in Italy, using modern machine tools and using the best of materials to guarantee high quality. The natural consequence is the satisfaction of the customer and improvement of his final product.

The Rotoflux rotary unions after the positive result of the test receive the "Approved Quality Control" label.

Each Rotoflux rotary union is marked, with an identification code, with the month and year of assembly and the signature of the assembly engineer.

Our Products

Aluminium & Copper Lugs

Bi-metallic Lugs & Ferrules

Crimping Tooling

C Shaped Copper Connectors

Pre-insulated Terminals

Hydro-MEC Gearboxes


Rotoflux Rotary Unions

Thomson Linear Motion Products